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Pose Breakdown: Learn how to Eight-Angle Pose

Looking for a strength and balance challenge? Fire up your core for eight-angle pose, a challenging arm balance. In this post, I will break down Astavakrasana and show you how to master this advanced arm balance.

Posted: 17/10/22Roughly a 3 MIN read
Sophia in a pose
  • Strengthens your core
  • Improves balance
  • Builds upper body strength

Ready for the challenge?


1. Start in staff pose.

2. Straighten one leg out in front of you and bend the other leg.

3. Place the same-side hand underneath the calf and use it to place the bent leg over your shoulder.

4. Place your hands on the mat next to your hips about shoulder-width apart. Lift your straight leg off the ground, cross the straight leg over your bent-leg ankle, and create a hook by flexing your feet.

5. Push through your hands and engage your abs to lift your hips up off the ground.

6. Straighten your legs out to the side, squeeze your arms with the inner thighs, and bend your elbows like in chaturanga. Gaze down, forward or towards your feet.

  1. Make sure you warm up your wrists properly before attempting eight-angle pose.
  2. Practise hamstring stretches such as lizard and seated forward folds before attempting this arm balance.
  3. Use a block underneath each hand to create more space for you to lift into the pose.


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