Pose & Purpose Logo
Pose & Purpose Logo



Hi, I'm Sophia, a qualified yoga teacher and founder of Pose & Purpose. Inspiring people to feel their best through mindful movement and yoga is at the heart of what I do. This is why I created P&P studios, a place to come together as a community to support, uplift and empower each other through movement. Yoga is a great opportunity for self-enquiry, cultivating inner body awareness and showing your body kindness, and it is my aim to show you how easily you can integrate yoga into your lifestyle.

Sophia sat on a stool gazing over her left shoulder smiling


It all


CIAO, Italia

I first began practising yoga in 2018 when I was living abroad in Milan. For me, the yoga classes were very rewarding as they proved to be a great way to learn the language and also feel part of a community as an expat over there.

Sophia in a pose

Sharing the passion

Sharing the passion

Sharing the passion

After several more years of committed practise, I decided that I would love to share my passion with others in the form of teaching. As a result, I embarked on a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training course in London and became a fully qualified teacher in December 2022. Teaching Qualifications 200 hour Vinyasa Flow YTT registered with Yoga Alliance. Tripspace, London (2022)


Over the years, yoga has become far more than the physical asana and practice. The ability to cultivate a sense of inner peace and connection between body, mind & spirit through movement and breathwork is truly powerful. Developing an awareness of these senses can bring life changing benefits, which I feel cannot be easily replicated by many other practices.

Sophia in a pose

It is for these reasons that I wish to share my experiences and help you feel the physical and mental benefits of yoga.

Sophia in a Gate pose
Sophia in a Puppy pose
Sophia in a Staff pose
Sophia in a Side Crow pose
Sophia in a pose
Sophia in a pose
Sophia in a pose
Sophia in a pose



& Yoga

Before the days of yoga, strength and weight training had been my primary focus. The gym is an area of fitness that I have been passionate about for nearly 10 years, and is something that I continue to have a burning desire to improve and progress in. Pairing focused strength training with the control, power and flexibility of yoga is a great combination. I am a huge advocate in exposing your body and muscles to diverse movements and expectations, as these are the crucial building blocks to achieving an all-round, high-functioning and healthy body.

Sophia in a pose

Teaching & classes

Teaching & classes

Teaching & classes

I teach classes in several studios across London and online, offering a variety of styles ranging from Yin & Restorative to high energy Power & Dynamic vinyasa classes. I also offer private 1:1's, group classes and corporate wellness sessions.